Ếm kinh tế nhà nước Việt Nam

The Vietnamese communist state’s economy


Ho Chi Minh City, January 23, 2014



The apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 6:7-10, “7 Do not deceive yourself; God is not mocked; For whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 He who sows to his flesh will from his flesh reap corruption; But he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 9 Let us not be weary in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not become weary. 10 Therefore, as soon as you have an opportunity, do good to everyone.”


The event of Huynh Thi Huyen Nhu fraud and the main cause was Vietinbank with an amount of about 4,000 billion VND, the event took place in Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City.

Find out how Vietinbank sowed a century ago so now it must reap.

Vietinbank is today’s Vietnam Industry and Trade Bank and before 1978 it was called Vietnam Industry and Trade Bank, headquartered at 93-95 Ham Nghi, Ho Chi Minh City.

Vietnam Industry and Trade Bank was established in 1953 and operated until 1977, then it ended and changed to the state-owned banking model of the state bank by the subsequent 1980 Constitution, which meant the state nationalized all banking systems. private banking system, and the state bank is responsible for handling remaining customers of the private banking system before 1978.

In Ho Chi Minh City, there was a large customer of the banking system before 1978, including the Vietnam Industry and Trade Bank. They paid off all their debt in 1977, but because this customer still owed In Saigon, the bank has another debt, so the state bank has not yet liquidated the real estate block in Vietnam. Industry and Trade Bank paid off all the debt in 1977. In 2003, the heirs paid off the debt to the bank. state bank and was released by the country’s real estate in Vietnam Industry and Trade Bank and Saigon Bank on the same day, August 18, 2003, but then the heir also died in 2011 and the above assets up to many thousands of billions are still suspended even though the law stipulates that within 5 days the above assets will be restored.




And today, the above assets are inherited by an entire family and continue to demand justice. It seems that the god of justice has taken action, so today a series of state-owned enterprises are losing business, up to billions of dollars, which is a lot. trillion VND, and today’s bank-related event is Vietinbank, although on their website Vietinbank has denied inheritance rights and did not mention that the headquarters they use in Ho Chi Minh City belong to other banks. goods before 1978.


Today’s event at Vietinbank is about to be announced by the Ho Chi Minh City Court. You should consider it otherwise the entire banking system in Vietnam will collapse and the state bank cannot help.

“For whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”


The State Bank turned a blind eye and did not care about its customers, and the National Assembly also turned a blind eye, so today, the above events, the National Assembly, the Government, the State Bank, and Vietinbank must reap, if they do not repent. To bring justice to us, they will have to reap what they have sown to us and the entire Vietnamese people in recent times.



Headquarter of Vietnam Industry and Trade Bank, now Vietinbank on the old land 93-95 Ham Nghi, Ho Chi Minh City


Announcing two documents to jinx Vietnamese state-owned enterprises in 2014





When the real estate properties in these two documents are de-registered as mortgages and compensated, this spell will end.



Initially in 2003, the 10-hectare real estate price was only 1 billion USD. In December 2022, entering the year 20, there was no payment, so according to international practice, it increased 20 times to 20 billion USD.

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